effective shift Towards digital education in the field of crypto and financial literacy in Secondary Schools

Welcome to the Cryptopolis

Where We Build the financial and crypto literacy

CRYPTOPOLIS is a project supported by EU which focuses on the financial management knowledge of teachers and the emerging field of risk management and risk analysis of cryptocurrencies.

The latest School Education Gateway survey (2021) exposed that the school curriculum should change and include new topics. One of the important topic, that is less frequently taught is financial literacy, which nowadays also have to include crypto topics. Cryptocurrency has shown to be a vital and rapidly growing component in today’s digital economy therefore there is a need to include not just financial but also crypto literacy into the schools. Beside multiple investors and traders the market is attracting an increasing number of young individuals, viewing it as an easy way to make money. A large pool of teenagers and young adults want to hop on this train, but a lack of cryptocurrency literacy, as well as financial literacy in general amongst youth, together with their inexperience with investing makes them even more vulnerable to an already high-risk investment.

Therefore, we aim to increase the capacity and readiness of secondary schools to manage an effective shift towards digital education in the field of crypto and financial literacy. The project will develop the purposeful use of digital technologies in financial and crypto education for teaching, learning, assessment and engagement.  

Our Goals

The main goal of this project is to increase the capacity and readiness of secondary schools to manage an effective shift towards digital education in the field of crypto and financial literacy. The project will develop the purposeful use of digital technologies in financial and crypto education for teaching, learning, assessment and engagement.

The main result of the project will be development of Online Academy for Financial and Crypto Literacy together with teacher trainings for increasing financial and crypto literacy in secondary schools.

Financial and Crypto literacy
risk analysis of cryptocurrencies
effective shift towards digital education
innovative teaching tools
Online Academy for Financial and Crypto Literacy
Financial Management Knowledge Of Teachers​

Our Target groups

secondary school teachers teaching geography, economics and maths secondary school managers

Pupils of secondary schools interested in financial management

Project Partners

FH Joanneum is the coordinator of the CRYPTOPOLIS project. In the consortium two universities, three secondary schools and one company is included. 

 If you have any questions concerning the project, please feel free to contact us.

Crypto Literacy

Financial management

financial literacy

Project members

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